Garrett van Ryzin
Garrett van Ryzin is the Paul M. Montrone Professor of Decision, Risk and Operations (DRO) at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business. He served as Division Chair of DRO from 2010-2015. Since 2015, he has been Head of Marketplace Optimization Advanced Development at Uber. Garrett’s research focuses on demand forecasting, consumer choice models, structural demand estimation, and algorithms for optimizing complex pricing and capacity allocation decisions. He has extensive consulting experience in pricing analytics with leading firms in established industries (airlines, hotels, media, retail, manufacturing) as well as technology startups. He is coauthor of the leading scientific book on revenue management, The Theory and Practice of Revenue Management, which won the 2005 Lanchester prize for best published work in operations research. He is an INFORMS and MSOM Fellow and served as Editor in Chief of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management from 2003-2005, and Area Editor for Operations Research 1999-2002 (Service and Supply Chain Operations), 2006-2012 (Revenue Management). Garrett received the B.S.E.E. degree from Columbia University, and the degrees of S.M. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Ph.D. in Operations Research from MIT.